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L. Zyri Wilds

This website is a creative portfolio to highlight and present my skills, and educational experiences

Hello, my name is Zyri, I am a Mechanical Engineering student at the University of New Mexico. I also happen to be a black smith, long boarder, and artist of varying styles and mediums. 

Here on this page, I will be showcasing the literary and multimodal works from my English classes, and hopefully as time goes on adding more and more skills (such as engineering projects, blacksmithing, and skate life to name a few). 


A little bit about myself.

Well, I was raised by a painter, so art has always come naturally to me. I can paint, draw, sketch, work in charcoal, and dye silks. This root in art has led me down a path of creative skills that has brought me to learning that I love putting things together, whether that is a multilayered black light painting, fine tuning a long board, learning structures of language, choreographing, creating chainmail and high carbon steel tools and weaponry, or even rebuilding a Dodge 1998 Durango from scrap cars and parts. I am a very hands-on person, a kinetic learner, and I follow the belief of "If you can't teach it, you don't know it".  I am not an original New Mexican, but Santa Fe is my home. It took me a long time to feel at home here in New Mexico, the drastic change of lush green Oregon to the wild beauty of the New Mexican desert took me by surprise but still won my heart. My audience is not limited to any one place, science and tinkering are universal to our planet. To be specific though I am aiming towards a more scientific audience, though it would also work with a creative and artistic audience as well. As far as beliefs go there are several ground rules:


1. To each their own, we all think and act differently from each other. Meaning our work, process, and outcome will be done and reached individually.


2. Respect is earned, not bought, given, or forced. I carry a general amount of respect for each person, a base line if you will. The persons actions, not words, will depict whether I do or do not respect them and their work.


3. Everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect and often we do not have all the information, time, or opportunity to make the choices that are best for us.


4. Always watch, listen, and learn. This applies to all areas of life from in school, work, or just paying attention on your way home. It can never hurt to be cautious of your surroundings and keep yourself safe.


5. Try, you will never know if you can do something, or even like it, if you never take the chance to try.


FOR MY AUDIANCE: I expect them to take everything with a grain of salt. I will do my best to be clear, exact, and accurate in my work.



You may be wondering why my page is named Motus Vitae. In Latin Motus Vitae is the motion of life, Vita is emotion, and I cannot think of a time in my life where I have not been in motion or had feeling about what I am doing. I believe in always staying in motion and moving forward. We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it and change who we are for the future. Finding the balance between health and dedication can be a difficult one that is not always understood by others (and their expectations of you) but is vital to being able to move forward with your dreams. So, to you I say:



"Live life in constant motion, always striving forward towards something that you feel passionate about and do today what others won't so tomorrow you can do what others can't" 

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